Laughter – The Best Medicine

Running a business is a serious endeavor, but it is important to enjoy the journey.

Running a business is a serious endeavor, but it is important to enjoy the journey.

With Capture’s seventy-two years of history documented, it was my full intention to start blogging about the products and services that Capture Technologies, Inc. currently offer and how they may be of interest to you and your organization.


A couple of days ago I heard my wife, Judith, break out in laughter like I haven’t heard in months – many months! About five months ago, she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and it has been a difficult adjustment for us both. 

As our recently recapped history revealed, we both have been involved in Capture Technologies for over forty-five years. Those were interesting and challenging years full of hard-work and FUN. One of the biggest changes I found when getting involved in business again, after a fifteen-year hiatus, was the seemingly lack of enjoyment and fun I had enjoyed for so many years of running a small business. 

In days long gone, when the weekend was approaching, it wasn’t uncommon to open a couple of six-packs and recap the week with those that were still in the office around five. Sometimes I would learn more about the business and our fellow workers, between stories and jokes, in that short get together than I did in all week. That all stopped when the possible threat of a lawsuit entered as part of the political correctness era.

When I heard Judith laughing, I was in the middle of putting together a budget-meeting for Capture Technologies which was scheduled for later that day. When I asked Judith, what was so funny, she held out her iPad and played this 30 seconds video-clip.

When we both stopped laughing, a light went on and the old saying: “sometimes laughter is the best medicine…”, came to my mind! Two hours later, I stared our managers’ meeting with the video and a request to – let’s put some fun and laughter back into our business lives. We had a great meeting. Let’s not forget that running a business is a serious endeavor – but it is important to smell the roses and enjoy the journey.

Next, we will blog about Capture Technologies, Inc. products and services. I promise!


Ed Wright

Author, entrepreneur, ultimate optimist who believes hard work - works!