Effortless and Contactless COVID-19 Temperature Scanning


With California’s strict CDC guidelines all businesses in the state are required to follow new regulations.  If just one employee happens to contract COVID-19, it may force the entire operation to close for anywhere up to 2 weeks. This is unacceptable for most small business who are already struggling to stay viable.  Having the ability to pre-scan the most common sign of the COVID19 virus gives a massive advantage to keeping your employees and businesses safe.

Capture Technologies, Inc. offers The Temperature Measurement devices from UniTech as tools to pre-scan fever related symptoms for employees, students, or visitors. Included software incorporates mask detection, audible/visual alerts, and an App for a constant ability to alerted staff if a high temperature is detected.

The UniTech temperature measuring device eliminate cross contamination that handheld models present, as well as a less intrusive experience than having a handheld unit put to your forehead. With a possible 40-50 scans a minute, it is dramatically faster than alternative options. With a .18F variance, these models are more reliable than other means to test temperature making them the premiere units for temperature recognition.

Our latest installation, a Central Valley School District, is currently using these terminals to scan employees working in office while students are distanced learning. When students return, they will funnel students to specific checkpoints located around the school grounds to ensure all students are scanned and are wearing masks. They have a unit at the entrances to the district office so employees and visitors are scanned, and the security staff are alerted when individuals enter. With the included software, they have the option to use this as a check-in method because it will provide faces, time of arrival and location of the scans so no one has the option to be missed or unaccounted for.

I am proud to part of Capture Technologies, Inc as our employee/owned company is one of the first to offer this technology in California.  For more information or a demonstration please contact me: 510.500.1445 or Austin.Ryan@capturet.com

Austin Ryan

Austin Ryan

Inside Sales Representative