Visitor Management & Access Control Solutions

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Capture Technologies, Inc. partners with the best of the best providing Photo ID equipment and services. BadgePass is a full featured ID, Visitor management and Access Control suite, captures relevant visitor information via a driver’s license scan for adhesive or plastic badge printing. TruCredential is a run in a browser, Chrome, Safari, Edge, IE and is mobile ready, able to be used with a IOS or Android tablet, able to expand as needed without the need of a think client to be installed on a new workstation.

Visitor Management allows you to know who was on site, when and who they visited with, allows you to track the number of times they were there and gives you a roster of visitors on site. In case of an emergency event you have the number of visitors and their names, so you are better able to track their location in an emergency. Never have to go through a log book trying to find information about a visitor again.  Employee/Student badging is to identify and make sure the right person is where they should be, this can be done with color coded badges easily seen at a distance. ID badges can be used for tracking students and employee attendance, for example, class and chapel attendance or a timeclock system via the encoded magstripe or printed barcode.

Government, Education, Transportation, Law Enforcement and Commercial are just a few of the types of organizations benefiting from state-of-the-art photo ID systems.  All companies need to properly Identify their employees whether they are in office employees or public facing employees. Especially now where employees might not be in the office as much, you want to know they belong. If ID’s are being used for time and attendance or access control you can use the data for contact tracing, you know they were there and when they were in specific areas. Transportation riders program cards, low cost ridership ID’s or Student discount ID’s.

If you would like to learn more about how one of our many Photo ID technologies can benefit your company please email me at or call me at (209) 321 4549.. 


Joe Franco

Director of Sales