A Happy Customer is a Loyal Customer

A Happy Customer is a Loyal Customer

A Happy Customer is a Loyal Customer

I met Ed Wright back in 1996 when I was the director of communications for a large private ambulance service provider. I came into communications industry from being a paramedic supervisor. We were utilizing a recording product that U.S. Audio (now Capture Technologies) sold to a company. We were facing issues with the particular product, and Ed Wright, as the owner, came out to my worksite and we held a meeting to see how we could resolve the issues- which we did! I worked with him over the next four (4) years, and was so impressed that I eventually went to work for him in 2000. I started as a sales person in the voice-logging side of the business. Through this experience, I was able to make some great business relationships. After being in sales for six (6) months, I was promoted to the VP of Service.


I spent the next two (2) years working there and continued to make some great long-term business relationships. Working there taught me a different side of customer service and, more importantly, how to deal with customers. The hardest thing a manager will ever have to do is call an angry customer. If you take this on, and you can resolve their issues, then 95% of your customers will do business with you again. If you do not resolve their issues, they will tell 10 people, and then they will tell 10 other people and so forth. So, you can see the importance of resolving your customer’s complaints.

In mid-2002 I went back in the Emergency Medical Field which is my first career love. I have still continued to do business with Capture Technologies. I am now the ESOP Committee Chairman and in October 2020, I will be a board member. All this was possible just because the owner of the company made my bad experience better; he corrected the issues and now, 24 years later, we still have a strong business relationship.

The morale of this blog? Take care of your customers’ concerns, treat them respect and integrity, and they will be customers for life!


Kevin Grant

ESOP Committee Chairman