Changes on the Capture Technologies, Inc. Board of Directors

I was appointed to the Board of Directors of U.S. Audio, Inc., by Mr. Scott, within a year of when we met in the early nineteen seventies and have remained a board member and/or Chairman of the Board for the last forty-seven years. Part of running a small corporation successfully is maintaining control of the board. For most of Capture’s Technologies, Inc., formerly U.S. Audio, Inc., existence, my wife, Judith, and I not only worked together but she was also a board member giving us control of our company.

When Judith retired, from the day to day task of running the office, she stayed on the Board of Directors to maintain our control. With Judith’s recent medical issues, it has become evident that any stress causing situations needed to be removed from her life. Within the last six months we agreed to restructure the board and do so to the benefit of our many long term and loyal Employee/Owners.

When I first became a Corporate Board Member, it was more about obligating a friend’s request in return for attending three or four board meetings, a year, followed by an excellent lunch or dinner. That all changed about the time political correctness came upon the scene and lawsuits became the rule and not the exception. 

Now the first question after approaching a potential board member just might be “Do you have D&O insurance?” The answer, of course, is ‘yes’, because it is important to protect you, as an owner, the company and other board members.

On October 4th two new members joined the board. Including myself that makes three board members which is perfect for a Company the size of Capture Technologies, Inc. and enables a majority vote when needed.

Kevin Grant

Kevin Grant

The first member to be appointed was Kevin Grant; no stranger to Capture Technologies, inc. or this blog. Kevin became a customer, then went to work for U.S. Audio Inc. and quickly became a department manager. After leaving Capture, he maintained contact and when the ESOP was installed, he became the ESOP Committee Chairman. Kevin brings to Capture a vast set of skills and will mentor our service department manager and help guide Capture Technologies, Inc. forward during these difficult COVID-19 times.

Mike Brandon

Mike Brandon

The other member appointed was Mike Brandon; a successful Spokane area business owner. Until recently owned ABC Office Equipment, Inc. Mike recently sold ABC and retired, or so he thought. When we moved to Spokane, to be near some of the world’s best cardiologists, Mike and I renewed a friendship started nearly fifty years ago when we both worked for Lanier Business Products. Mike understand business and what keeps one successful and keeps amazingly current with new technologies. Mike is on the advisory board of eAutomate; the system software we use at Capture. Mike will be a great addition to not only help Capture Technologies, Inc. with major decisions, moreover, he is currently mentoring our new Director of Operations to better understand how eAutomate can save us time and money when used as intended.

We welcome these two talented men and look forward to them helping direct our seventy three year old company to be all that it can be.


Ed Wright

Author, entrepreneur, ultimate optimist who believes hard work - works!