The World is Unfolding Continued...

In person Interaction, between employees, is also important to building a good team focused on providing excellent customer service. Interactions, in the parking lot and/or break room, can often spark what often turn into long term relationships. Take a moment and think how you established your friendships. IMO, many, if not most, friendships can be traced back to work-related, in-person, beginnings. After all, historically, the majority of our adult life is spent in the workplace.

With that said, I often hear comments about getting back to normal and the new normal, whatever that is going to be as the future unfolds. Culture-changes don’t happen overnight and I’m hearing that currently it takes two to three years to make any desired positive changes. 


At Capture Technologies, our plan - now that most restrictions concerning employee and customer contact have been greatly reduced or eliminated - is to get back to providing excellent support. Our admin team members will take on additional responsibilities enabling our sales and service teams to provide our customers the quality of customer service they have enjoyed for the last seventy five years.


Stay tuned to know about why preventative maintenance is important to our customers and Capture Technologies.

Ed Wright

Author, entrepreneur, ultimate optimist who believes hard work - works!