Proximity Going Mobile: Transforming Phones into Credentials

Smart MobilisID from Identiv

Smart MobilisID from Identiv

Capture Technologies, Inc. partners with many companies to provide a variety of solutions. One of our partners, Identiv, specializes in simplifying physical access without compromising security using Smart MobilisID. This technology enables users to utilize a mobile device instead of a physical badge to securely unlock a door.

The MobilisID cloud-based portal works on any web-browser. Operators can issue, update, and remove user credentials spontaneously. Managing users is also cost-effective by cutting out hardware to produce cards and eliminating costs to ship and track physical cards.

This solution will combine security, simplicity, and convenience into an easy-to-install, cloud-managed physical access solution. By harnessing users’ current smart phones to transition from conventional physical cards to secure mobile credentials using powerful, multi-tech Bluetooth readers. The Mobilis ID technology will create a secure hands-free way to approach physical access.

  • Bluetooth technology

  • Cloud based

  • Apple & Android ready

  • Hands free experience

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Andrea Finck
